Falck Alert

Building a culture of trust

At Falck, we want to build a culture of trust across our company, so we encourage our employees and business partners to speak up, ask questions and raise concerns at all times.

We encourage our employees, business partners and customers to raise their concerns about improper actions and behaviour to their manager or via Falck Alert, our whistle-blower system. Falck Alert is operated by the independent function of Global Audit & Compliance, who reports directly to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. Everyone who makes a report is therefore guaranteed protection from retaliation and all reports are treated confidential.

Falck Alert is available 24 hours every day of the year. Reports can be filed online or through the Falck Alert App, which is available for download in App Store and Google Play. Falck Alert is available in 8 languages and hosted by an independent third party in compliance with local regulations and GDPR.

We continue to encourage all our employees globally to speak up, so we can ensure a global standard of ethical business practices and keep our promise of being a trusted business partner.

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